Dyndns Free Account

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As you may have heard, DynDNS is shutting down its free plans, which is a bit of a bummer. Still, they're not the only option if you need a hostname to use to access your home computers from anywhere, and you don't want to spend money for it. Here are some alternatives.

Choose a hostname for your account. You can change your hostname or add more later. If you have chosen an Enhanced domain, but wish to sign up for a No. Create an Account. What are you looking for? Support Status. Username Password. Forgot your password? Sometime around November of last year (2011), the popular Dynamic DNS provider, DynDNS severely limited their free account offerings (See reference link #1 at the bottom of the page). They eliminated new free accounts from being created, citing that users could still get the 14 day pro trial. As you may have heard, DynDNS is shutting down its free plans, which is a bit of a bummer. Still, they're not the only option if you need a hostname to use to access your home computers from.

To be fair to the folks at DynDNS, $25/yr isn't a lot to ask if you have something set up at home that you like to access on the go, like a Plex server for streaming media, a personal cloud with all of your important files, or maybe a small web server you have running in your house. Still, just because you can spend a few bucks doesn't mean you have to, especially if all you need is the most basic service. Let's build a list of some great alternative options if you're lamenting the loss of your DynDNS account.

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Best Free Dyndns Account

We have some of our own, and we'll share them in the discussions below, but instead of just throwing a list of items together, we want you to share your favorite podcasts with us too, on the same terms. Here's how to format your recommendation:

  1. Include an image or logo of the company or service.
  2. One service per comment, please! Let's keep it simple and easy to read—if you have multiple suggestions, add them as separate comments!
  3. Try not to repeat suggestions! If you see someone who's already shared a service you like or have used, click the star to give it a boost, then reply to their comment with why you think it's awesome!
  4. Tell us why you chose this alternative. Why do you think this option is a good one? Maybe you've moved to it yourself, or you've used it for a while with great results. Maybe they're free and functional, and you can't ask for more. Whatever it is, sound off!

So then, let's begin! We'll get you started with some of our favorite free DynDNS alternatives, but we're really interested in yours, so fire away!

Free Dynamic DNS Service Setup - No Longer Free

Unfortunately, the Dynamic DNS service provided by dyndns.com is no longer free, however, the good news is that it only costs $29.99 per year. DynDNS or DDNS is a service that allows you to configure a domain name, such as www.mydvr.com to route to a dynamic IP address, such as those typically provided by cable and DSL internet access providers for Internet access. A dynamic IP address means that your Internet connection is assigned a different IP address each time you connect or logon. It is recommended that you purchase a router/switch that supports DDNS natively and that you connect the router or switch to your cable or DSL modem. There are other providers of free dynamic DNS service, but CCTV Camera Pros recommends Dynamic Network Services, Inc (dyndns.com) because it has been around for a long time and we have tested it thoroughly for our surveillance equipment. Follow these setup instructions to create and configure an account with dyndns.com. NOTE: if your internet connection supports a static IP address, it is not necessary to setup Dynamic DNS. If you are unsure, please contact your internet service provider.

Members Dyndns Org Free

  1. Go to Dynamic Network Services website at www.dyndns.com and sign up for an account
  2. On the home page click on the Create Account link as seen below:
  3. Fill on all of the required fields on the sign up page and submit the sign up form.
  4. The confirmation screen will let you know that an account confirmation email will be sent to you. Wait a few minutes to check your mail.
  5. When you receive the email, click on the link to confirm opening your account with DynDNS, then login to your account. The confirmation link will being you to a login link. After that, you can login from the dyndns.com home page anytime.
  6. Once logged into your account, 1) Click on the 'My Services' link, 2) then the 'My Hosts' link, 3) then the 'Add Host Services' link as seen below:
  7. The New Dynamic DNS Host screen will open. In the hostname field, 1) create a prefix and 2) select a domain name from the dropdown box. The page will automaticall detect your IP address, which you can leave for now. The other fields can be left blank. 3) Click on the 'Add Host' button as seen below.
  8. If successful, a screen will be displayed to let you know that the hostname was created.

Dyndns Free Account Login

Now that your dynamic DNS service is setup, you should configure your router/switch to automatically update the dynamic DNS service each time your Internet connection's IP address changes. CCTV Camera Pros has instructions for D-Link and LinkSys routers. Please follow the below links to configure your router.
LinkSys Router Setup - Dymanic DNS
D-Link Router Setup - Dymanic DNS