Ghost Driver Download

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Apr 06, 2017  Ghost Driver is an implementation of the Remote WebDriver Wire protocol, using PhantomJS as back-end - detro/ghostdriver. GhostBuster scans your registry for ghosted devices (hardware no longer connected to the PC) and then removes them with a single mouse click. This application enumerates all devices, detects ghosted devices and removes them if they match selectable device types and/or device classes.

Ghost Driver is a pure JavaScript implementation of theWebDriver Wire Protocolfor PhantomJS.It's a Remote WebDriver that uses PhantomJS as back-end.

GhostDriver is designed to be integral part of PhantomJS itself, but it's developed in isolation and progress is trackedby this Repository.

  • Current GhostDriver stable version:see releases
  • PhantomJS-integrated version is '1.2.0' (detro@2af7099a9) :contained in PhantomJS '2.1.1'
  • Current PhantomJSDriver Java bindings stable version: seeMaven

For more info, please take a look at the changelog.

The project was created and is lead by Ivan De Marino.

IRC channel: #phantomjs-ghostdriver.

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  • Download latest stable PhantomJS from here
  • Selenium version '>= 3.1.0'

THAT'S IT!! Because of latest stable GhostDriver being embedded in PhantomJS,you shouldn't need anything else to get started.


Register GhostDriver with a Selenium Grid hub

  1. Launch the grid server, which listens on 4444 by default: java -jar /path/to/selenium-server-standalone-<SELENIUM VERSION>.jar -role hub
  2. Register with the hub: phantomjs --webdriver=8080 --webdriver-selenium-grid-hub=
  3. Now you can use your normal webdriver client with and just request browserName: phantomjs

(Java) Bindings

This project provides WebDriver bindings for Java under the name PhantomJSDriver.Here is the JavaDoc.

Bindings for other languages (C#, Python, Ruby, ..) are developed and maintainedunder the same name within the Selenium project itself.

Include Java Bindings in your Maven project

For versions >= 2.0.0, add the following to your pom.xml:

Include Java Bindings in your Gradle project

Just add the following to your build.gradle:

Alternative: how to use it via RemoteWebDriver

Launching PhantomJS in Remote WebDriver mode it's simple:

Once started, you can use any RemoteWebDriver implementation to send commands to it. I advice to take a look to the/test directory for examples.


What extra WebDriver capabilities GhostDriver offers?

  • GhostDriver extra Capabilities
    • = VALUE - Configure page.settingson PhantomJS internal page objects (windows in WebDriver context)(see reference)
    • = VALUE - Add extra HTTP Headerswhen loading a URL(see reference)
    • - an array of regex expressions of urls to accept. eg. ['']
    • - array of regex expressions of urls to ignore. The blacklist overrides the whitelist. eg. ['', '']
    • unhandledPromptBehavior - set to dismiss to automatically dismissall user prompts or set to accept to automatically accept all user prompts
    • loggingPrefs - ghostdriver has two logs browser and har. The logsdefault to 'OFF'. follow the DesiredCapabilitiesdocumentation to enable the logs.
  • PhantomJSDriver Java-binding Capabilities
    • phantomjs.binary.path - Specify path to PhantomJS executable to use
    • phantomjs.ghostdriver.path - Specify path to GhostDriver main/src.jsscript to use; allows to use a different version of GhostDriver then the oneembed in PhantomJS
    • phantomjs.cli.args - Specify command line arguments to pass to thePhantomJS executable
    • phantomjs.ghostdriver.cli.args - Specify command line argument to pass toGhostDriver (works only in tandem with phantomjs.ghostdriver.path)

Want to help? Read on!

GhostDriver pushed the evolution of PhantomJS from the start. All the features required by PhantomJS to fit GhostDriver were designed to still feel 'consistent' and 'at home' with PhantomJS alone.

To drive that effort, I worked on a PhantomJS fork, and thenpushed changes to PhantomJS master once agreed with the rest of the team on the changes.

If you are planning to contribute, that is the PhantomJS you should use.

Run validation tests

Here I show how to clone this repo and kick start the (Java) tests. You needJava SDKto run them. ghostdriver requires Java 1.8.

Daemon Tools

  1. git clone
  2. Configure phantomjs_exec_path inside ghostdriver/test/config.ini to point at the build of PhantomJS you just did
  3. cd ghostdriver/test/java; ./gradlew test

Alternative: Run GhostDriver yourself and launch tests against that instance

  1. phantomjs --webdriver=PORT
  2. Configure driver inside ghostdriver/test/config.ini to point at the URL http://localhost:PORT
  3. cd ghostdriver/test/java; ./gradlew test

Project Directory Structure

Here follows the output of the tree -hd -L 3 command, trimmed of files and 'build directories':

WebDriver Atoms

Being GhostDriver a WebDriver implementation, it embeds the standard/default WebDriver Atoms to operate inside openwebpages. In the specific, the Atoms cover scenarios where the 'native' PhantomJS require('webpage') don't stretch.

Documentation about how those work can be found hereand here.

How are those Atoms making their way into GhostDriver? If you look inside the /tools directory you can find a bashscript: /tools/ That script accepts the path to a Selenium local repo, runs theCrazyFunBuild to produce the compressed/minified Atoms,grabs those and copies them over to the /src/third_party/webdriver-atoms directory.

The Atoms original source lives inside the Selenium repo in the subtree of /javascript. To understand how the buildworks, you need to spend a bit of time reading aboutCrazyFunBuild: worth your time if you want to contribute toGhostDriver (or any WebDriver, as a matter of fact).

One thing it's important to mention, is that CrazyFunBuild relies on the content of build.desc file to understandwhat and how to build it. Those files define what exactly is built and what it depends on. In the case of the Atoms,the word 'build' means 'run Google Closure Compiler over a set of files and compress functions into Atoms'.The definition of the Atoms that GhostDriver uses lives at /tools/atoms_build_dir/build.desc.

Let's take this small portion of our build.desc:

The first part (js_library(name = 'deps'..) declares what are the dependency of this build.descEthernet port driver windows 7. : with that CrazyFunBuild knowswhat to build before fulfilling our build.

The second part (js_fragment(..) defines an Atom: the get_element_from_cache is going to be the name ofan Atom to build; it can be found in the module bot.inject.cache and is realised by the function namedbot.inject.cache.getElement.

The third part (js_library(name = 'build_atoms'..) is a list of the Atoms (either defined by something like the secondpart or in one of the files we declared as dependency) that we want to build.

If you reached this stage in understanding the Atoms, you are ready to go further by yourself.

Contributions and/or Bug Report

You can contribute by testing GhostDriver, reporting bugs and issues, or submitting Pull Requests.Any help is welcome, but bear in mind the following base principles:

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  • Issue reporting requires a reproducible example, otherwise will most probably be closed without warning
  • Squash your commits by theme: I prefer a clean, readable log
  • Maintain consistency with the code-style you are surrounded by
  • If you are going to make a big, substantial change, let's discuss it first
  • I HATE CoffeeScript: assume I'm going to laugh off any 'contribution' that contains such aberrational crap!
  • Open Source is NOT a democracy (and I mean it!)


GhostDriver is distributed under BSD License.

Release names

Ghost Rider

See here.