Spanish Verb Forms Pdf

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Spanish Verbs. There are fourteen Spanish verb tenses in modern Spanish. Each category includes the verb endings needed to conjugate verbs in that tense, as well as usage information. There are also categories dealing with irregular Spanish verbs, grouped by tense. Some of the sections include free grammar exercises. So, today we are going to focus on 10 of the most common Spanish verbs. If you can at least memorize these 10, you’ll have a great start for improving your conversation skills. I’ve also made a PDF of these conjugations for you to download, print, and study. List of Irregular Verbs Base form - past simple - past participle let let let lie lay lain lose lost lost make made made. Conjugate Spanish verbs with our conjugator. Verb conjugations include preterite, imperfect, future, conditional, subjunctive, and more tenses.

  1. Spanish Verb Forms Pdf Free
  2. Spanish Verb Conjugation Practice Pdf
  3. Spanish Verb Forms Chart

I wanted to have a concise ready-to-print cheat sheet with all conjugated forms of regular Spanish verbs. Surprisingly, I wasn't able to find a good one on the internet (but I admit I didn't try. Tips and Tools for Spanish Verb Conjugations. As you grow more comfortable with conjugating verbs, keep the following tips and tools in mind. You want to learn all the verbs you can, but focus on the most essential. This will help you communicate faster. Try writing and speaking (or even just thinking!) in complete sentences.

Don’t let Spanish verb conjugations ruin your day.

A little bit of practice is all it takes to master the conjugation process!

Anyone who’s ever taken a beginner Spanish course will probably groan at the mere mention of verb conjugation. For the uninitiated, conjugation involves changing a verb form to provide information about the action being performed.

These verbs take on different endings based on who is performing the action. The conjugated verb form also gives an idea as to when the action was performed, and the relation of the verb to the other words in the sentence.

Fortunately, there are concrete rules to help you convey all of this information.

In this post, we’ll walk you through Spanish verb conjugation, starting with the most basic rules and then working through irregularities and other wrinkles.

Note that we won’t cover every possible tense and conjugation rule—we’ll be hitting the fundamentals that should prepare you to then move on to more advanced verb use.

And since the secret to mastering verb conjugation is practice, we’ll start by introducing some great resources to try these rules out yourself.

Spanish verb conjugation sheet pdf

Practice Conjugating Spanish Verbs with These Resources

If you’re just getting started, learning how to conjugate Spanish verbs can be a bit overwhelming. If it’s not instant recall yet (and it won’t be for a while), the following techniques and tools can help you to bridge the gap.

For starters, you can create three sets of flashcards for super-efficient practice:

  • Pronouns
  • Verb tenses
  • Infinitives

Choose a card from each set at random and test your ability to conjugate Spanish verbs on the go. This will help you to develop conversational fluency with quick recall.

For a high-tech version of this, Spanish411 offers an online tool for practicing verb conjugations.

Looking for more digital conjugation practice? Check these out:

  • The SpanishDict conjugation tool: You can type in any verb you need to look up or test yourself on. You can enter the infinitive or a conjugated form in the search bar and you’ll get comprehensive conjugation charts.
  • This is a straightforward tool for learning or testing yourself on conjugated forms of Spanish verb infinitives.

You can select which tenses to focus on, which makes this especially useful for beginners who don’t want to be overwhelmed.

  • FluentU: Want to practice Spanish verbs in a more natural environment? FluentU is an innovative tool that teaches vocabulary and grammar through real-world Spanish videos, like movie trailers, YouTube clips, news broadcasts and more.

Each video comes with interactive captions providing definitions for all words used in the video. You’ll get to see how verbs are formed in the context of authentic Spanish speech or dialogue. Plus, after watching a video, you’ll get learning tools like exercises and flashcards to make sure you retain what you’ve learned.

You’ll pick up new verbs and reinforce the ones you already know, all while absorbing Spanish the way natives really use it.

You can try FluentU in your browser or on your mobile device.

Now that you have some helpful tools at hand, let’s learn how to conjugate Spanish verbs.

1. How to Conjugate Regular Verbs in the Present Tense

Before graduating to different tenses, it’s useful to start by learning the rules for how to conjugate Spanish verbs in the present tense.

First, Look for the Person Performing the Action

When conjugating Spanish verbs in the present tense, first identify who’s performing the action. There are eight possible performers/subjects:

  • Yo — I
  • — you (singular familiar)
  • Usted — you (singular formal)
  • Él, ella — he, she
  • Nosotros/as — we
  • Vosotros/as — you (plural familiar)
  • Ustedes — you (plural formal)
  • Ellos/as — them

Note that although there are eight subjects, there are only six forms of verb conjugation. Él, ella and usted (he, she, you) are conjugated the same, just like ellos, ellas and ustedes (them, plural you) are.

Then Add the Appropriate Ending

Now that we know who’s performing the action, we can get to the meat of verb conjugation. We’ll need to pick the correct verb ending depending on who the subject is.

Spanish verb infinitives (a.k.a. the dictionary version of the verb) end in the letters -ar, -er or -ir.To conjugate an infinitive, remove the final two letters and add the appropriate ending.

The following examples demonstrate how to conjugate all regular verbs, respective of their endings.

For example, here’s how you’d conjugate hablar (to speak). You would use the same verb endings to conjugate other regular -ar verbs.

yo -ohabloyo hablo
-ashablastú hablas
-ahablausted/él/ella habla
nosotros/as-amoshablamosnosotros/as hablamos
vosotros/as-áishabláisvosotros/as habláis
-anhablanustedes/ellos/ellas hablan

For regular -er verbs, such as comer (to eat):

yo -ocomoyo como
-escomestú comes
-ecomeusted/él/ella come
nosotros/as-emoscomemosnosotros/as comemos
vosotros/as-éiscoméisvosotros/as coméis
-encomenustedes/ellos/ellas comen

For regular -ir verbs, such as vivir (to live):

yo -ovivoyo vivo
-esvivestú vives
-eviveusted/él/ella vive
nosotros/as-imosvivimosnosotros/as vivimos
vosotros/as-ísvivísvosotros/as vivís
-envivenustedes/ellos/ellas viven

You’ll notice that all present tense conjugations have the same first-person conjugation, regardless of the verb ending.

There are also several stem-changing verbs and irregular verb forms that can differ from these rules, as we’ll discuss below.

Conjugating Reflexive Verbs

Reflexive verbs have a subject that’s the same as the object, such as in the sentence “I weigh myself.”

To conjugate reflexive verbs, you’ll also need the appropriate reflexive pronoun, to indicate the subject/object relationship. The pronoun se relates to the self, like “himself” or “herself.” The following reflexive pronouns can be used for any tense:

  • Yo → me (myself)
  • Tú → te (yourself, informal)
  • Usted → se (yourself, formal)
  • Él, ella → se (himself/herself)
  • Nosotros/as → nos (ourselves)
  • Vosotros/as → os (yourselves, informal)
  • Ustedes → se (yourselves, formal)
  • Ellos/as → se (themselves)

Next, place the reflexive pronoun before the verb.

So for example, with the sentence “I wash myself,” you would need the verb lavarse (to wash oneself; the reflexive version of the verb lavar — to wash). When conjugated, the sentence becomes Yo me lavo.

2. How to Handle Irregularities in the Present Tense

Conjugating Stem-changing Verbs

Verb stem changes only affect verbs in the present simple, past simple and present continuous tenses. For stem-changing verbs, you still have to change the suffix, but there’s an additional step to complete the conjugation: changing the stem.

The stem change applies to all forms of the verb except the nosotros and vosotros forms, as you can see in the table below.

Querer (to want) is an example of a stem-changing verb, which would be conjugated as such:

yo -oquieroyo quiero
-esquierestú quieres
-equiereusted/él/ella quiere
nosotros/as-emosqueremosnosotros/as queremos
vosotros/as-éisqueréisvosotros/as queréis
-enquierenustedes/ellos/ellas quieren

Rules for Irregular Yo Forms

Verbs with irregular yo forms usually end in -guir, -ger or -gir.

For verbs that end in -guir, the conjugated yo form ends in –go.

For example: extinguir (to extinguish) becomes extingo.

For the verbs that end in -ger or -gir, the g in the yo form turns into a j.

For example: dirigir (to direct) becomes dirijo, and escoger (to choose) becomes escojo.

The aforementioned Spanish verb conjugation rules don’t apply here in a helpful way, so Spanish verbs with irregular forms must be memorized. If you need some additional irregular Spanish verb practice, you can find more irregular forms here.

3. How to Conjugate in the Present Progressive

Present progressive verbs refer to actions happening right now. In the English language, this would refer to verbs ending in -ing.

To form sentences in the present progressive, you must first know how to conjugate the verb estar (to be):

yo estoy

Then, change the suffix of the action verb:

Spanish Verb Forms Pdf Free

  • -ar to -ando
  • -er/ir to -iendo

Let’s take an example with the verb escribir (to write). How should we form the sentence “I am writing” in Spanish?

First we’d need to conjugate estar in the yo form. We get estoy.

Massey ferguson 1533 manual. Then, we change the suffix of the verb escribir to get escribiendo.

Now our sentence reads Estoy escribiendo.

4. How to Conjugate in the Past Tense

The past tense, or the preterite, refers to the simplest form of the Spanish past tense. In English, conjugating to the past tense would typically involve adding the suffix -ed to a verb.

In this verb tense, the -er/-ir forms have the same ending:

-ar verbser/-ir verbs

To give an example, “I swam” becomes Yo nadé, where nadar (to swim) is the verb infinitive.

For this verb tense, accents are important, but are only used for the first and third person.

5. How to Conjugate in the Future Tense

Many consider the future tense one of the easiest to conjugate in Spanish. When you conjugate Spanish verbs to the future tense, all ending suffixes stay the same, regardless of whether the verb ends in -ar, -er or -ir. Additionally, you don’t have to drop any letters from the infinitive before conjugating.

Here are the verb endings for the future tense:


The sentence “I will drive” becomes Yo manejaré,where the verb is manejar (to drive).

Learning Spanish verb conjugations is part practice, part memorization when you’re just getting started with the Spanish language. There are a lot of rules to commit to memory, and you’ll conjugate hundreds of verbs before finally feeling like you’re getting the hang of things. Don’t give up—it’s hard work to become a master!

If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn Spanish with real-world videos.

Spanish verbs fall into different groups, and each group is conjugated a little differently. If you’re going to master Spanish verbs like ir, you need to be able to identify which group a verb belongs to: regular (follows regular conjugation rules for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs), stem-changing (morphs depending on how you use it in a sentence), spelling-changing (has consonant-spelling changes in some forms to follow pronunciation rules), or reflexive (reflects the action back on the subject of the sentence).

But then there are those verbs that refuse to be lumped into a category: the irregulars. Other popular irregular Spanish verbs include: ser, tener, leer, and hacer. Ir (eer) (to go) is the ultimate irregular –ir verb; that’s all it is, i and r!It doesn’t follow most normal ending patterns, so your best bet is to just memorize its conjugations. Here it is in the present tense:

The Present Tense of Ir
yo voyIgo
tú vasYou(informal)go
él/ella/ello/uno vaHe/she/onegoes
usted vaYou (formal)go
nosotros vamosWego
vosotros váisYouall (informal)go
ellos/ellas vanTheygo
ustedes vanYou all (formal)go

The following examples show you ir in action:

  • Create malicious pdf msfvenom. Nosotros vamos al teatro a veces. (We go to the theater sometimes.)

  • Mi madre va al supermercado ahora. (My mother is going to the supermarket now.)

The following table shows you ir in the preterit tense. Think you’ve seen these conjugations before? You probably have; it just so happens that they’re also the preterit forms of the verb ser (to be). It may be confusing, but look on the bright side: It’s one fewer set of verbs you have to memorize.

The Preterit Tense of Ir
yo fuiIwent
tú fuisteYou (informal)went
él/ella/ello/uno fueHe/she/onewent
usted fueYou (formal)went
nosotros fuimosWewent
vosotros fuisteisYou all (informal)went
ellos/ellas fueronTheywent
ustedes fueronYou all (formal)went

You use the preterit tense like this:

  • Los turistas fueron al museo. (The tourists went to the museum.)

  • ¿Fueron ustedes al baile? (Did you go to the dance?)


Spanish Verb Conjugation Practice Pdf

Ir is one of only three irregular imperfect verbs. Here’s that conjugation; notice that, like regular verbs, the first-person and third-person singular forms (yo and usted) are the same.

The Imperfect Tense of Ir
yo ibaI used togo
tú ibasYou (informal) used togo
él/ella/ello/uno ibaHe/she/one used togo
usted ibaYou (formal) used togo
nosotros íbamosWe used togo
vosotros ibaisYou all (informal) used togo
ellos/ellas ibanThey used togo
ustedes ibanYou all (formal) used togo

Here are some examples of the imperfect tense:

  • Yo iba a Europa cada año. (I used to go to Europe every year.)

  • Nosotros íbamos a Chicago. (We used to go to Chicago.)

Good news! Ir is regular in the future tense, so you can apply the regular verb endings here.

The Future Tense of Ir
yo iréI willgo
tú irásYou (informal) willgo
él/ella/ello/uno iráHe/she/one willgo
usted iráYou (formal) willgo
nosotros iremosWe willgo
vosotros iréisYou all (informal) willgo
ellos/ellas iránThey willgo
ustedes iránYou all (formal) willgo

Spanish Verb Forms Chart

The following samples put the future tense to work:

  • Nosotros Iremos a Orlando. (We will go to Orlando/)

  • Yo iré a tu casa esta tarde. (I will go to your house this afternoon.)