Excel Vba Download From Website

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This blog mainly focus on teaching how to apply Visual Basic for Microsoft Excel. So improve the functionality of your excel workbooks with the aid of this blog. Also ask any questions you have regarding MS Excel and applying VBA. Download a file from url using VBA. Sometimes our VB Applications needs to interact with websites.

Active10 days ago

Oct 15, 2015  The company controlling the website had changed the layout of the content. I decided to extract the data from the website into excel using VBA and a call on the HTML tables inside of the website itself. Obviously this technique works best where there are dedicated tables on a website. Jan 13, 2014  You can use VBA to extract data from web pages, either as whole tables or by parsing the underlying HTML elements. This blog shows you how to code both methods (the technique is often called 'web-scraping'). Two ways to get data from websites using Excel VBA (this blog) Extracting a table of data from a website using a VBA query. Aug 15, 2015  In this article I will explain how to retrieve data from a website using a query table and VBA. Previously in the article Excel Getting Data From the Web I’ve explained how you can use Query Tables to import data from the web into an excel worksheet. In this article it is assumed readers are familiar with using query tables. Jul 23, 2014  Hi, I m using SharePoint 2010 list, which I need to export to Excel and save it on my local drive. I could do that easily using point-click interface from SharePoint itself.But I need to do it using vba. I m using Url protocol shown below to export my list to a Microsoft Excel worksheet. Hi You can use the WebQuery to get the data from Excel. VBA Excel Download webpage complete. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 8 months ago. Of course, it is rarely the case that we actually need an entire web page in HTML format, so if you are looking to then scrape particular data from a web page, the XMLHTTP and DOM would be the best way to do this, and it's not necessary to save this to a file at.

I need to download a CSV file from a website using VBA in Excel. The server also needed to authenticate me since it was data from a survey service.

I found a lot of examples using Internet Explorer controlled with VBA for this. However, it was mostly slow solutions and most were also convoluted.

Update:After a while I found a nifty solution using Microsoft.XMLHTTP object in Excel. I thought to share the solution below for future reference.

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Ole Henrik SkogstrømOle Henrik Skogstrøm
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Excel Vba Download File From Url With Password

2 Answers

This solution is based from this website:http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/bd0ee306-7bb5-4ce4-8341-edd9475f84ad/excel-2007-use-vba-to-download-save-csv-from-url


It is slightly modified to overwrite existing file and to pass along login credentials.

Ole Henrik SkogstrømOle Henrik SkogstrømExcel vba download file from button
3,9699 gold badges45 silver badges72 bronze badges

I found the above when looking for downloading from FTP with username and address in URL. Users supply information and then make the calls.

This was helpful because our organization has Kaspersky AV which blocks active FTP.exe, but not web connections. We were unable to develop in house with ftp.exe and this was our solution. Hope this helps other looking for info!

Cole BusbyCole Busby

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Today’s post will touch on something most analysts and VBA developers might find useful: downloading files using vba from the Web (VBA Download). Excel VBA again proves to be a versatile tool for Analytics – in this case for extracting and storing data. Downloading files can be a useful way to save data extracted from the web and to build your own data repository, or simply to make a backup of any data downloaded from the Web.

Looking to download / upload files from FTP with VBA? Read my blog post on VBA FTP

Excel can be a great tool to harness the data of the Internet. If you are more into the subject of Web Scraping I encourage you to take a look at the Excel Scrape HTML Add-In which let’s you easily download HTML content from most Web Pages without resorting to VBA. In case browser simulation is needed read on my Simple class for using IE automation in VBA.

Other VBA File resources

VBA download file macro

In some cases you will need to download large files (not text/HTML) and will want to be able to control the process of downloading the data e.g. might want to interrupt the process, enable the user to interact with Excel (DoEvent) etc. In these cases the above procedure won’t do. The procedure below may however prove more efficient as it will download the file in 128 byte chunks of data instead of a single stream.

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See effect below when executing macro:

How it works

Excel Vba Download File From Javascript

The procedure will download the binary file in 128 byte chunks while saving the contents to the data stream and flushing it into the file once completed. In between the chunks you can call “DoEvents” to enable user interaction, inform the user of the download progress Application.StatusBar or do other thing including interrupting the process and closing the connection. In case you want to do a proper Progress Bar and inform the user of the % progress you may want to leverage this solution.


Let us use the procedure above to download a simple text file from AnalystCave.com:

Download the example

Provide your email to get the link to a file with an example usage of this script:

Reading / writing files in VBA

So you know how to download files using VBA. The next step is learning how to read files using VBA.

Excel Vba Download Csv From Website

Be sure to check out my posts on reading and writing files using VBA:

Excel Vba Download File From Email

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